Welfare and Wellbeing Support
Wellbeing and welfare support is critical at Glantaf as we seek to support any member of the school community who may find life difficult or feel challenged by matters within or outside of school. A core part of our pastoral and academic support is the role of the Personal Tutor who remains with each registration class from the day pupils start at Glantaf in Yr7 until Yr11 and at times also into Sixth Form study.
Each year group is also led by a Progress and Wellbeing Lead which you can contact in case of query or concern.
Click here to Contact Progress and Wellbeing Support

In addition we are very aware that children and young people (as well as adults) do require additional support or advice at difficult times. These can include situations where pupils can feel overwhelmed by stress, over-anxiety, feeling of isolation, boredom or loss. At Glantaf we aim to promote positive mental health strategies with a host of excellent resources and practical strategies
The school can offer:
Meeting with your Progress & Wellbeing Lead (Head of year)
Time-out cards
Peer Mentor or Coach from Yrs 12 or 13
Key Worker
Time out in our “Hafan” (Nurture Centre)
Interventions such as ELSA, TALKABOUT, Anger Management
Meeting with School Nurse
Meeting with School Counsellor
Refer to Wellbeing Agencies / Support
We also may refer pupils or families to a host of excellent online resources which include:
School Nurse or the Chat Healthline :

Home - Kooth

Meic an excellent online resource helping young people and families which can also be contacted by text 84001 or phone : 08 08 80 23 546

Young Minds
Text YoungMinds Crisis Messenger for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.
If you need urgent help text YM to 85258.
All texts are answered by trained volunteers, with support from experienced clinical supervisors.
Texts are free from EE, O2, Vodafone, 3, Virgin Mobile, BT Mobile, GiffGaff, Tesco Mobile and Telecom Plus
If you want to know more about how you're feeling, get information about a mental health condition or know what support is available to you, visit our Find Help guides.

Support for Parents: Young Minds online support
Supporting my child through the pandemic
Supporting my child in bereavement
Financial support
Mental health support
Difficulties with “keeping to the rules”
A-Z support in particular mental health issues e.g Self-harm, depression, over-anxiety etc
Support with home learning
How to discuss mental health with my child
Survival Guides for parents
Starting “difficult conversations” with my child
Parent support groups
Financial support
Changed behaviour patterns