Admissions / Joining the Glantaf Community

Welcome to Year 7!
Transition KS2 > KS3
We work in close partnership with our seven Cluster primary schools:
and offer a rich programme of transition activity for our pupils as they join the Glantaf Community from Yr6.
These transition activities include workshops, visits, question and answer sessions with Glantaf pupils, French and German language sessions with Glantaf teachers, sporting oportunities, parents evenings, virtual events and much more!
You can find much more on our transition website Pontio Glantaf (
Contact our Yr 6>7 Progress and Wellbeing Lead, Mrs Ffion Roberts
All admissions are all made through Cardiff Council Applying for a school place (
Year 6 Parents Evenings are held in late Sept / early October each year and generally deadlines for school admissions is in early December for the folowing September placements. Parents are advised of offered places at Cardiff secondary schools by March 1st each year.

In-year transfers
If you are considering joining Glantaf in other school years, in the first instance you should contact your home school to discuss and consider all options prior to transfer. You may then contact Glantaf for introductory conversations and to request further information and guidance. However all admissions are administered and managed through Cardiff Council.
All admissions are managed by Cardiff Council Applying for a school place (