Child Protection
Child protection and safeguarding at Glantaf

Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Glantaf is committed to ensuring the welfare and safety of all students. We believe that all students have a right to learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment in order to develop the belief, aspiration and courage to be their best.
The school has firm procedures for keeping our children safe. We work closely with parents and external agencies and follow the All Wales Child Protection Guidelines for safeguarding. For more information, we have a safeguarding policy and a specific Child Protection policy that can be found on the website under the Policies section.
Key staff within the school are responsible for child protection issues. These staff have received additional safeguarding training. The key staff are:
Mrs Beca Newis - Designated Child Protection Teacher / Assistant Head
Mr Denis Pugh - Deputy Designated Child Protection Teacher / Assistant Head
What is child protection?
Every adult in the school has a responsibility to protect you. This means we are committed to promoting your wellbeing and to protect you from harm

Protection from physical, emotional, sexual and neglect
Prevent harm to your health or healthy development
Ensure you grow up with safe and effective care
Take steps to allow all children and young people at Glantaf to be able to realise their full potential and grow into healthy and fulfilled adults.
What can prevent children and young people from being safe?
It is important to understand that the majority of children and young people are safe but one or more of the following can mean that the school needs to take steps to safeguard children.
Domestic abuse by adults and/or another child or young person
Abuse at school by adults and/or another child or young person
Abuse by strangers directly or via the web e.g. use of social websites
Protect against risk behaviour themselves e.g. sexually harmful behaviour, alcohol and drugs or engaging in other risk behaviour.
Protect and protect against discrimination of genital origin, colour, religion, gender, sexuality, age, disabilities, sex change.
Protect against the impact of mental health disorders
Who is responsible for child protection at Glantaf?
ALL adults working at the school have received child protection training and understand their duty to keep you safe.
Child Protection and Safeguarding Lead - Mrs Beca Newis Office on corridor B and teaching in M8 or adjacent. email address
Protection and Safeguarding Deputies - Mr Denis Pugh Office on corridor B and teaching in T14 or nearby and Mr Matthew Evans, Head, Office on corridor A.
Progress and Wellbeing Leaders – Mrs Ffion Roberts, Mrs Bethan Walkling, Mrs Siwan Lee, Mrs Aimee Moule, Frau Fawkes, Mr Tegid Richards, Miss Luned Vaughan and Mr Hefin Griffiths
What should I do if I’m concerned about a friend or myself?
The most important advice we can give you is – TELL SOMEONE. You can choose one of the people
above or go to your class teacher or teacher or member of staff you like at school. That person will listen to you and explain what will happen next. It is important to understand that teachers cannot keep secrets when there are concerns about your safety and well-being. The member of staff will explain this to you that they have a duty to pass the information to one of the Child Protection and Safeguarding Leads.
In addition to school-based support you can contact free helplines that safeguard children:
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Childline 0800 1111
The school is a safe place for you, to share worries and support is always available. No child or young person has to suffer in silence